Saturday, August 3, 2019

Interview with a Residential Advisor :: Interview Essay

As a residental advisor, Stephanie R worked in the academic setting in the last three years during her undergraduate years. For three years, her benefical experiences has been increased. The scope of problem she worked with the variety of problemic issues and developed a relationship with residents of the dorminity. Residents, residential advisors, Cooridators of Residental Education (CRE), and Graduate Assistants worked together in their dorm sites. The teamwork of dorms had to provide the workshops, advices, followed up with safety factors, and monitored their dorm sites. For residental advisors, their duties were largely responsible. The primary duty was safety for residents in their dorms. For example, using drug substances were major issue when it came to overdosed or allergic to them suddenly, it has to be involved with residental advisor for witness and incident report. Following up with residents after incidents were important.    Before semester begins, they attended to training from two to four days. Most workshops provided the variety of topics that would prepare Residental Advisors handle the situations, residents, and personal incidents. For example, educational workshops were required of their projects. Another example, the guest speaker from non profit organization gave a presentation about domestic violences, destructive relationships, stalkers, and addictions. When residents experienced the domestic violence situations, they would make a report to residential advisors. Residential Advisors had to call their bosses to be involved. From morning to the late afternoons, they had activities and lunch breaks. They were covered by room and meal during their training days.    The prevention programs were successfully approved by residents. When residents had their good relationships with their residential advisors on their floor, residential advisors provided the workshops. They came by and listened what their residental advisors wanted to educate and exchange the information with them. When their workshops ended, residents filled the survey forms and evaluated the presentation style.    For example, self defensive workshop was effective and resourceful. In second year of the residential advisor professional, Stephanie and her co-worker required to present the educational workshop for residents. They in advanced asked the experienced and professional karate belt resident. He was engaged in the workshop that would help residents to know the basic self defensive tools. The main topic of workshop was how to protect yourself from harmful situations or people by using self defensive techniques. Before workshop started, residents signed the consent form that would not sue for injuries and understand the risks.

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